Saturday, February 7, 2015

Join us March 7 for our next PB & Jam Session concert with Becky Linafelt

Spring is almost here and that means our next concert is just around the corner.  Join members of the Takoma Ensemble and master Kindermusik educator Becky Linafelt for another concert for children ages 2 to 7.

The concert will be in downtown Takoma Park at the lovely Seekers Church on Saturday March 7 at 4 pm. The Sanctuary is smaller than our usual venue and we do expect this to be a very popular event so please do purchase tickets early.

Saturday March 7 at 4 pm

1 comment:

  1. This would have been a great concert to have been able to go to. I personally think that being able to have a concert in the spring time is a great way to ensure that you will be getting a lot of people. Hopefully there was a great turnout for this concert. Thank you for sharing.
